b'Our Sustainability FrameworkOur Sustainability Strategy provides a structureThe strategy is balanced across four key pillarspeople, to further encourage innovative thinking,environment, business performance, and community and strategic long-term planning, collaborationpartnerships. Each of these pillars are aligned to a long-term and taking action to ensure that the terminalstrategic goal which we are aiming to achieve by 2030. continues to prosper, while looking afterTo help us achieve these goals specific focus areas have its people and fostering partnerships withbeen identified for each pillar based on the outcome of community, industry and beyond.the materiality assessment. This provides a framework for our short and long-term initiatives and programs which will contribute towards achieving the long-term strategic goals.DBCTs Sustainability Strategy FrameworkFOCUS AREAS FOCUS AREASSafety Healthy Reef and EcosystemsPostive Culture and Leadership Water ManagementProactive CommunicationClimate Change and Renewableand Innovative Thinking Energy TransitionOngoing LearningManaging Terminal Footprintand Development Waste ManagementHealth andClean andWellbeing Safe ShippingWorkforce forPeople Environmentthe FutureEncourage a positiveLeading in environmental culture of safety, diversity,management, acknowledging transparency, innovativeour unique location in the World thinking and empowermentHeritage Area and proximity in our people. to neighbouring communities.Community and Business Partnerships PerformanceConnecting with theDelivering prosperity through community and partnersoptimising the terminal and to drive positive change. supply chain performance.FOCUS AREASStakeholderFOCUS AREASEngagement and Communication Terminal EcienciesCommunity Investment,Change ManagementSponsorship and Partnershipsand Risk ManagementSustainability Reporting and Education Long-term ProsperityIndigenous and Cultural Relationships Supply Chain EciencyIndustry Outreach Sustainable ProcurementResearch and Reef Partnerships Asset Management15'