Executive Team

Michael Riches
Chief Executive Officer
Mr Riches is an experienced executive with extensive infrastructure, regulatory and operational experience across multiple industries throughout Australia. Before DBI, Mr Riches was the Chief Executive Officer at Axicom, the owner of more than 2,000 mobile phone towers across Australia, where he led a customer transformation program that secured longer term contracts with key customers, ultimately positioning the business for a successful sale to an Australian Super and Singtel owned tower company. Prior to Axicom, Mr Riches was Group Executive, Network at Aurizon Holdings Limited for 3 years where he was the architect of, and responsible for the negotiation with customers to execute, the UT5 regulatory reform that delivered substantial benefits to the Queensland coal industry. Mr Riches’ corporate life began at Alinta Energy where over almost 6 years he held a number of senior executive roles. From 1993 to 2010 Mr Riches was a lawyer in private practice, specialising in the financing of mergers and acquisitions and major infrastructure projects, and was a partner of Minter Ellison and Clayton Utz from 2000. Mr Riches holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of New South Wales and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Stephanie Commons
Chief Financial Officer
Stephanie Commons is CFO of Dalrymple Bay Infrastructure, a role she has held since 2015. Ms Commons has over 30 years of experience across both the private and listed environments and has an extensive background in treasury and capital management, investor relations, financial reporting and tax activities. Ms Commons commenced her career at Ernst & Young working in Corporate Finance and Corporate Restructuring in Ernst & Young’s Brisbane and London offices. During this time, Ms Commons managed numerous due diligence, restructuring and advisory assignments for both listed and private equity clients in the UK, Europe and US. Ms Commons holds a Bachelor of Science (Computing) from the University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Business – Accountancy (with Distinction) from the Queensland University of Technology. She is a member of the Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).

Mr Jonathan Blakey
Chief Commercial and Sustainability Officer
Jonathan Blakey is an experienced financial executive, responsible for the commercial, regulatory and sustainability matters for DBI. Mr Blakey joined DBI in 2010, and during this time has supported strategic planning processes, overseen the regulatory regime governing DBT, and led customer negotiations for the company. Prior to joining DBI, Mr Blakey led the Treasury Accounting team at Suncorp Bank. During his time at the bank, he gained significant exposure to complex financial and reporting issues during the GFC. Mr Blakey holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accountancy) and a Bachelor of Business Management (Management & Organisations) from the University of Queensland. He has been a member of CPA Australia since 2005.

Mr Jesse Knight
Chief Operating Officer
Having joined DBI in 2002, Jesse Knight has a deep understanding of the terminal, the DBT supply chain and the DBT Access regime. Mr Knight is the face of the business for its customers and various other external stakeholders and is responsible for negotiating access agreements, delivering operational performance initiatives, overseeing cybersecurity preparedness for DBI and DBT, and driving DBT supply chain improvements. Mr Knight also plays an integral role in DBI’s transition planning activities, including the assessment of inorganic growth opportunities. Mr Knight holds a Bachelor of Information Technology from Central Queensland University and a Masters of Business Administration (Maritime and Logistics Management) from the University of Tasmania.

Mr Peter Wotherspoon
Group Projects Director
Peter Wotherspoon joined DBI in 2001. Mr Wotherspoon has more than 30 years experience managing heavy industrial/materials handling construction projects in “brownfields” environments. He has been involved with expansions of DBT since the Stage 3 Expansion in 1997 and his extensive operational knowledge has guided the future planning and optimisation of the terminal over the last 20 years. During a downturn in the coal industry from 2015 to 2017, Mr Wotherspoon focussed on a diverse range of infrastructure due diligence projects in India and Australia with Brookfield, combining project management discipline with operational and asset management skills. Mr Wotherspoon holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) and a Graduate Diploma in Administration, both from the University of Technology, Sydney.

Ms Liesl Burman
Chief Legal and Risk Officer
Liesl Burman is an experienced senior executive, lawyer and company secretary with over 20 years’ experience with a broad background across the commercial, infrastructure and resources legal sectors. Prior to joining DBI in May 2021, Ms Burman was General Counsel, Australia and Assistant Company Secretary for a listed US/Australian metallurgical coal producer. Prior to that Ms Burman worked as a Senior Corporate Counsel for a major Australian mining house for 13 years. Ms Burman first practised as a Solicitor and Senior Associate for Allens Arthur Robinson (now Allens) in the commercial litigation and insolvency law areas. Ms Burman holds a Bachelor of Business (International Business)/Bachelor of Laws from the Queensland University of Technology and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Corporate Governance from Chartered Secretaries Australia (now Governance Institute). Ms Burman is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is admitted to legal practice in Queensland, Australia. Ms Burman was appointed as Company Secretary for Dalrymple Bay Infrastructure Limited on 28 February 2022.

Rosalind Jones
Director, People and Culture
Rosalind Jones is an experienced human resources executive with extensive experience in senior HR positions across a diverse range of industries. Ms Jones is responsible for leading the People and Culture strategy at DBI, focusing on fostering a high-performance culture and investing in employee development and capability growth. Prior to joining DBI in June 2024, Ms Jones worked as a human resources consultant with an independent consultancy specialising in HR, Change Management and Technology. She held senior HR positions with Accenture and National Australia Bank, where she successfully implemented strategic initiatives to enhance organisational effectiveness. Ms Jones holds a Bachelor of Administration majoring in Human Resources and Industrial Relations from Griffith University, Queensland and a Graduate Diploma of Business Management from Monash University, Melbourne.