Risk Management

Risk Management

DBI has a Risk Management Framework which provides for a structured approach to identifying, evaluating and managing both current and emerging risks which have the potential to affect DBI’s business and its achievement of strategic objectives.

Under this framework, DBI seeks to ensure that it implements processes and procedures to consider, assess and manage the full range of risks faced by the business. These include operational, legal and regulatory, financial, health and safety, environmental, climate-related, reputational and cultural risks.

Management convenes a Workplace Health and Safety Committee and a Risk Committee which are comprised of the Executive Management Team and key personnel to oversee its management of Workplace Health and Safety and risk matters within DBI.

Fundamental to the Risk Management Framework is the detailed and regular risk reporting provided to the Board. With support from the Finance & Audit Committee (in respect of financial risk oversight) and the Compliance, Risk & Sustainability Committee (in respect of non-financial risk oversight), the Board has overall responsibility for ensuring the proactive review, oversight and management of both financial and non-financial risks (including ESG risks).

Both DBI and the DBT Operator’s Risk Management Frameworks are aligned to ISO 31000 (Risk Management – Guidelines), the international standard on risk management, and provide further assurance regarding both DBI’s and the Operator’s compliance with their obligations. Further information in relation to DBI’s Governance practices and Risk Management Framework are outlined in DBI’s Corporate Governance Statement, which can be viewed on DBI’s website together with our key Corporate Governance policies.

Climate-Related Transition Risk Governance

Climate-related risk is overseen by the Board as part of its oversight of the management of financial and non-financial risks within the Risk Management Framework. The Board is supported by the Finance and Audit Committee and the Compliance Risk and Sustainability Committee.

DBI’s Enterprise Risk Registers have been framed to capture climate-related risks, including both climate-related transition and physical risks. This ensures that climate-related risks inform strategic decision-making across the organization.

DBI Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing

The DBI Code of Conduct provides guidance on the standards of behaviour expected from those who work for and with DBI, including our directors, employees, contractors, suppliers and business partners. DBI’s Code of Conduct is supported by a suite of polices that shape our business including:

  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy;
  • Securities Trading Policy;
  • Diversity and Inclusion Policy;
  • Speak Up Policy;
  • Modern Slavery Policy and Framework.

DBI has in place a comprehensive Anti-Bribery and Corruption Program. The program has the following key elements:

  • DBI’s Board and Management are committed to preventing bribery or corrupt behaviour by persons and entities associated with the Company and to foster a culture where these behaviours are never acceptable. The Board and Management set the tone and provide leadership and oversight for the development, implementation and operation of the Program.
  • Management’s commitment to promoting a culture of compliance which encourages escalation of potential issues without fear of reprisal
  • Annual Anti-Bribery and Corruption training and employee certification is mandatory and undertaken by all employees to ensure compliance with relevant anti-corruption and anti-bribery legislation.
  • Ongoing vendor monitoring through an external compliance and screening provider for fraud, bribery and corruption risks.
  • Robust internal controls that clearly and effectively identify, investigate, report and mitigate non-compliant activity. DBI’s Speak Up Policy and associated reporting platform provides protection to whistleblowers and encourages reporting of unethical behaviour or violations of the Code of Conduct. DBI has zero tolerance for bribery, fraud, and other types of corruption.

Modern Slavery

DBI’s Modern Slavery Statement outlines what actions DBI has taken over the year to identify and address modern slavery risks to people involved in DBI’s operations and supply chains. The statement also demonstrates DBI’s efforts to proactively embed modern slavery protections within DBI’s policies, procedures, and processes.

DBI has implemented mandatory annual modern slavery training for all employees to build greater awareness of modern slavery risks and issues.

DBI has implemented a Modern Slavery Framework to ensure a unified and consistent approach to the identification and management of modern slavery risk across DBI’s operations and supply chains. The framework details DBI’s overall approach to addressing modern slavery risks.

DBI recognises that a robust response to a complex issue like modern slavery requires a multi-year approach. DBI will continue to review and enhance its approach to identifying and addressing modern slavery risks in DBI’s operations and supply chains.