Supply Chain & Operator
Supply Chain
The terminal receives, stores and is an important export gateway for metallurgical and thermal coal extracted from mines in the central Bowen Basin. The terminal is a critical link in the global steelmaking supply chain.
Coal is extracted from either an open cut or underground mine by mining companies and is then processed before being stockpiled at or near the mine.
From the stockpile, the coal is loaded onto coal trains and taken to DBT. The coal trains are operated by one of four operators, all of which operate on Aurizon Network’s electrified rail network. Each train carries approximately 10,000 metric tonnes of coal.
When the train reaches the terminal, it passes through one of three rail unloading stations, where the coal is unloaded from the open bottom of the train onto conveyors. From here the coal is transferred to the DBT stockyard.
In the stockyard different types of coal are stacked into distinct stockpiles. Once the cargo is fully assembled, the coal is then transferred via conveyor from the stockyard to shiploaders 3.8 kilometres offshore. The shiploaders load the coal onto customer vessels, which transport the coal to various ports around the world.

The legal, operational and regulatory framework relating to DBI’s ownership of DBT reflects a broad set of stakeholder relationships. Figure 1 provides an overview of the key contractual and stakeholder relationships that govern the ownership, management and operation of DBT.

DBI’s stakeholders play an important role in ensuring that the terminal is operating efficiently and reliably. The key roles and responsibilities for the management and operations of DBT between DBI, NQBP and the Operator are outlined below.

Through its wholly owned entities, DBI has held a 100% interest in the 99 year lease (comprising a 50 year lease with a 49 year option) of DBT, from the State government since 2001, at which time the operations and maintenance of the terminal were contracted to Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal Pty Ltd (DBCT P/L, the Operator).
DBCT P/L is owned by a majority of the terminal’s customers (by contracted tonnage), ensuring a strong alignment of interests and incentive to ensure the facility continues to be efficiently operated and well maintained.
This arrangement also allows for 100% of operating and maintenance costs incurred at DBT to be passed through to the customers of the terminal. This operating and recharging structure is supported by the QCA.
Click here to access DBCT P/L’s website